Objective pronouns include me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. Objective pronouns always function as objects in a sentence, for example, the direct object, the indirect object, or the object of a preposition.

NumberPersonCase (subjective)Singular1stMe2ndYou3rdHim 
This category of object pronouns is a closed category. In other words, the pronouns listed are the complete set. No changes or additions occur.

Below are sentences that use each of the object pronouns as different types of objects.


  • She gave the award to me. (indirect object)
  • I baked that batch of cookie sitting near you. (object of the preposition near)
  • Mr. Jones met him for lunch. (direct object)
  • He picked out flowers especially for her. (indirect object)
  • Open the door and walk through it. (object of the preposition)

  • The usher led us to our seats (direct object)
  • The company sent the merchandise directly to you (indirect object)
  • The teacher gave them more time to finish the quiz (indirect object)

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    Charlotte s mehmke, mba

    1st Lady Project, Mehmke Steam Tractor Museum


    May 2013

