Demonstrative pronouns include This, That, These, and Those and can function as subjects, objects, and adjectives.

NumberNear in Distance or TimeFar in Distance or TimeSingularThisThatPluralTheseThose
This category of demonstrative pronouns is a closed category. In other words, the ones listed are the complete set. No changes or additions occur.

Below are several examples of sentences using demonstrative pronouns as subjects.

  • This is the best place to park.
  • These are the strawberries that are on sale.
  • That really got to me.
  • Those fell off the truck.
The following sentences use demonstrative pronouns as objects.

  • “Get as close as you can to that,” he stated, pointing to the loading dock.
  • “I want a handful of these,” she laughed picking up the strawberries.
Below are two sentences that use demonstrative pronouns as adjectives.

  • I need a picture of those flowers.
  • This phone is the one I truly want.

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    Charlotte s mehmke, mba

    1st Lady Project, Mehmke Steam Tractor Museum


    May 2013

